Steps to Making Your Company a Safe Place

As a business owner, you are no doubt occupied with thoughts of how to improve your business and the work environment for your employees. Keeping a safe work environment not only increases your employees’ productivity, but it also saves you money in the long run. Expensive workman’s compensation cases and other types of liability can really put a business in jeopardy. Besides having sound commercial insurance, there are other steps you can also take to make sure your company is a safe place for both employees and customers. 

Careful Hiring Processes

Although you may feel pressured at times to fill up a vacant position so that productivity does not lag, be careful with quick hires. When the hiring process is rushed potential employees may not be properly vetted to ensure they are a good fit for a position. This can result in injuries or other liability for your company. Fight the temptation to hire too quickly so that you can make sure every position is filled with the right employee for the job. 

Clear Out Clutter

Clutter can be a huge contributor to accidents and even slow productivity. Just like at home, in the workplace more can get accomplished in a tidy environment. Encourage employees to keep work areas neat and make it a point to clear out old clutter that has accumulated in the workplace. 

Use Safety Materials

If your company has access to posters and other types of educational materials make sure to use them in the work area. Having potential hazard warning, safety policies and other reminders clearly displayed will help keep safety in the minds of your employees. 

If you would like to learn more about how to keep your company safe or you have questions about commercial insurance please give our friendly staff a call today at Town & Country Insurance in Buford, GA.