When Should You Choose Term Life Insurance?

Like most types of insurance, life insurance comes with many different choices depending on your specific circumstances. This is good news because it allows a person to customize their policy however they like, but it can also be confusing to be presented with so many choices (not to mention the insurance jargon that comes with all those choices.) Two major types of insurance include permanent and term insurance, and they each come with specific benefits. Town & Country Insurance wants the people of Buford, GA to learn more about when to choose one over the other. 

Insurance with a Deadline 

You can think of term insurance as having a specific deadline based on the policyholder’s wishes. The most common way it’s used is to provide for minors until they come of age. So if you have three children, you might want to set your life insurance to expire when the youngest turns 21. This way, you know they’ll be taken care of if something happens to you. If you would prefer to have a policy for your spouse or your children no matter what, then you should choose permanent insurance instead. 

Finding Help 

Term life insurance tends to be a lot more affordable than permanent insurance, but permanent insurance also offers a savings component that term insurance doesn’t. In other words, if you happen to hit a financial emergency, then you can borrow against your permanent life insurance policy. Calling Town & Country Insurance is an excellent way to sort out which policy is right for you. If you live in Buford, GA, give us a call today to find out more about how policies can be personally tailored to fit your specific needs, no matter what your financial or dependent situation happens to be.